No wonder Lavrov is laughing

No wonder Lavrov is laughing

The accession of liz to the top job is bad for us all but may well be catastrophic for the locals. Have no doubt the vicious media blitz against the others is no accident. The absent billionaire press barons (and what a rogues gallery they are) put Johnson in no 10 to carry out their vision and see in truss the next best thing. Her dramatic volte face and lies yesterday about regional pay bodies is a foretaste of what to expect and you could have been listening to Johnson or trump who normalised this playbook. With the US already in free fall these are fateful days for the western model of democracy. Already we see in Britain the attacks on the judiciary by the brexiteers ‘enemies of the people’ they called the Supreme Court and the right to protest in public has already been curtailed. The unions are under constant attack also and of course there is a low level war with the EU ongoing. Liz promises to change the n.I. Protocol once she’s ensconced. This proposal has zero to do with the welfare of the province which is booming as a result of having the best of both worlds to the envy of the Scot’s and Welsh (and others on the continent) but is the handiest available ruse to stir the pot. The unionist voters gave their answer in the referendum but are now intimidated from giving voice to it by the old lunatic fringe groups who pine for the old days on more ways than one. Meanwhile Starmer continues to make his party more unelectable by the day and comes across to the voter as ‘Tory light’ and offering nothing while trading away whatever principles the party had all in a pathetic attempt to appease the press barons and hope they don’t attack him on issues like ‘anti semitism’. These days of course everything is considered anti semitic but as the man said when everything is then nothing is. But you can’t explain that to the zealots.

Meanwhile across the sea there was a shower of rain in Kentucky and about fifty are dead including many children. This is nothing short of a disgrace and come on the back of another needless body count in the same state six months ago when seventy died in a tornado which was forewarned for days. Make no mistake these are political deaths cause by a system which it’s purveyors claim is the greatest in the world. No doubt that’s true for the zero point one per cent but you better not find yourself down on your luck for any reason because you’ll be on your own. Maybe if the pols took as much interest in the existing children as in the nonexistent ones some of these tragedies could be averted. As it was, the babies stranded on top of their trailer home as the deluge engulfed them didn’t have much voting power. Anyway great to see the governor getting the political optics right by donning the worker fatigues before facing the press. And what a supine shameful press it is in America. Sold their soul to the corporate class long and merry ago and the recent wars were the final nail in the coffin of their diminished credibility.

This is where the Brits are now headed also. Liz will bust a gut to use the Ukraine war to burnish her credentials as the new thatcher. She could start by brushing up on her geography so she doesn’t have to listen again to Lavrov mocking her ignorance. Poor liz, it comes as no surprise to see doesn’t know the difference between Rostov on don and stoke on Trent and she now claims to actually know where Ulster is. I seriously doubt it. You really have to wonder how a country which once possessed an empire will now choose its leader by the votes of a few thousand well off pensioners from the southern shires.

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