One nil to Putin.

One nil to Putin.

Readers of this column will be aware of who defends Ireland and and the answer to the often asked question why are we so rich. The proper question should be of course why are we not much richer given the fact of the free lunch we enjoy at the political table. Much to the embarrassment of our foreign minister and right-on media class events in the last day have shone an unwelcome light on these realities.

As Putin knows full well Britains Achilles heel is its undefended western approaches and of course this is exactly where he intends to hold his naval exercises. These will be on international waters but still inside irelands 200 mile zone of responsibility. We have nothing to check this provocation and Putin’s tactic is to have the British navy steaming in the opposite direction to Ukraine.

This they will have to do. Last month I told ye tiny Finland was spending €10B on warplanes alone. This is the sort of expense everyone else has on their account. Don’t expect the Irish media to explain who defends this great little republic. There are plenty in England who have no time for all this military spend and they are newly emboldened by the chaos in that country.

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